Terms and conditions for the presentation of papers at the Recuwaste Congress and for participation in the “Alfonso Maillo” Award
The reason for the call for papers
With this invitation to present papers at the Congress, RECUWASTE wants to contribute to raising awareness of outstanding public and private innovative initiatives in the field of waste prevention and management.
The Congress will have an exhibition space for posters of the best initiatives received from this call for papers, which will showcase the most innovative and inspiring ideas, practices and technology.
From all the posters, the RECUWASTE Congress Programme Committee will choose three proposals whose authors will be able to present their initiatives in a 10-minute presentation during the Congress.
In addition, all the posters exhibited will be eligible for the Alfonso Maíllo Prize, which awards €1000 in cash to the best poster, chosen by a vote of the Congress attendees.
Who can take part?
This call for papers is looking for experts, professionals, entrepreneurs, academics, R&D centres, associations, administrations and organisations with the best innovations and disruptive ideas, initiatives, solutions or projects in the waste management sector. Both individuals and organisations can participate.
All those authors who identify with this objective are cordially invited to send their proposals to the RECUWASTE Congress Programme Committee.
Proposal Topics
RECUWASTE is interested in waste on a very broad spectrum, from waste prevention to waste treatment and disposal, in all technical, social and organisational aspects. This is why all initiatives within the waste management hierarchy can be submitted to this call for papers:
- Prevention and minimisation
- Preparation for reuse, and reuse
- Recycling
- Other types of recovery, including energy recovery
- Disposal
Presentation of the proposals
To enter the RECUWASTE 2021 call for papers, please fill in the online form available on our website Proposals, in order to be accepted, must comply with all the terms and conditions detailed.
The online form will require, among other details, the following items:
- Title
- Short description of the proposal (max 300 words)
- Abstract (max. 2500 characters): this should include the strategic objectives, implementation context, added value of the proposal, method of resolution, current state of implementation, solutions/conclusions and any other information that helps us to understand the proposal.
- Keywords (max. 50 characters): keywords that you consider define and characterise your proposal or project.
- Supporting document: PDF format only, maximum 10 pages.
The deadlines to be considered are:
- Deadline for submission of proposals: 21 September 2021.
- Deadline for confirmation of selected proposals: 28 September 2021.
During this period, the Programme Committee reserves the right to request any clarification or additional information on the submitted proposals.
The languages accepted will be English, Spanish or Catalan. Submissions in other languages will not be accepted.
Participation in this call for papers is free of charge.
If you need to modify or expand any of the information submitted, please contact:
Assessment, confirmation and benefits process.
The RECUWASTE Programme Committee will analyse all the proposals received by the submission deadline. It will choose the best proposals to be exhibited in poster format in the common networking area of the congress. The evaluation criteria will be:
- Impact they contribute to the main themes of the Congress.
- Innovation of the content being provided
- Originality that they can provide
Of all the posters to be exhibited, the Programme Committee will select the three that best fit the programme and the essence of the Congress so that the authors can present their initiative with a presentation within the framework of the Congress programme.
By 28 September 2021, the programme committee will inform the candidates that they have been selected for a presentation, as well as its characteristics. Candidates must confirm acceptance of their presentation by 30 September 2021. Failure to do so will be understood as declining the presentation and the Committee reserves the right to choose another poster for presentation, notifying the new candidate as soon as possible.
All posters will be eligible for the Alfonso Maíllo Award (whether or not they have been selected for presentation at the conference), which rewards the best poster with a cash prize of €1000. Those attending the congress will be able to vote for the poster they consider to be the best, and it will be these votes that will decide the winning poster. In the event of a tie, the Programme Committee will decide the tie-breaker and the winning poster.
All people who have a poster exhibited at the congress venue will have free entry (face-to-face and virtual) during the two days of the event (prior mandatory registration through the congress technical secretariat).
If the selected proposals come from authors belonging to public entities, the organisation may consider covering the logistical costs of the speakers.
Data Protection
The RECUWASTE Conference organisers are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the proposals received (from companies or authors), and will only share them with the members of the Programme Committee who will evaluate the proposals.
Once the proposal has been selected, the organisers can make public any details considered public (author, company/organisation, title, abstract, website and topic).
All participants are responsible for the authorship of the submitted proposals. They own the intellectual property rights and, if applicable, the industrial property rights of the same. RECUWASTE is free from any liability.